
Shipping Cost

Shipping Cost is Determined by the Total Weight of all Items in the Order

Weight is in Pounds

From Lbs. Up To (But Not Including) Lbs. Cost
0.01 1.00 $8.95
1.00 2.00 $10.95
2.00 3.00 $12.95
3.00 4.00 $13.95
4.00 5.00 $15.95
5.00 6.00 $16.95
6.00 7.00 $17.95
7.00 8.00 $18.95
8.00 9.00 $19.95
9.00 10.00 $21.95
10.00 11.00 $22.95
11.00 12.00 $23.95
12.00 13.00 $24.95
13.00 14.00 $25.95
14.00 15.00 $26.95
15.00 16.00 $27.95
16.00 17.00 $28.95
17.00 18.00 $29.95
18.00 19.00 $30.95
19.00 20.00 $31.95
20.00 21.00 $32.95
21.00 22.00 $33.95
22.00 23.00 $34.95
23.00 24.00 $35.95
24.00 25.00 $36.95
25.00 26.00 $37.95

Over 25 pounds see shipping cost at checkout.